Introducing the OBSIDIAN AND STARS Pre-order Gift and Giveaway!

I'm very excited to unveil the special gift that will be sent to EVERYONE (U.S. and International) who pre-orders OBSIDIAN AND STARS! It's the map of the world of IVORY AND BONE and OBSIDIAN AND STARS! This map was drawn and created by the talented Jemma Young. You can find out all about her on her website.

The map you receive as part of your pre-order gift will be printed as a 5"x7" custom bookplate, so you will be able to stick it into the front or back of your copy of OBSIDIAN AND STARS (or even your copy of IVORY AND BONE!)

Without further ado, here's the map!

As I said above, this map, printed on a 5" x 7" bookplate, will be sent to everyone who pre-orders OBSIDIAN AND STARS, INTL orders included. In addition to the map, ALL PRE-ORDERS will receive:

  • A CUSTOM BOOKMARK! With artwork from the gorgeous OBSIDIAN AND STARS cover image!
  • A SIGNED BOOKPLATE! You can attach the bookplate inside your pre-ordered copy of OBSIDIAN AND STARS!
  • ONE OBSIDIAN AND STARS POSTCARD! The front shows the book cover and the back contains a summary of the book, (plus room to write a few lines if you choose to mail it. Of course, you could also display it!)

Here are sample images of the OBSIDIAN AND STARS bookplate, postcard, and bookmark:

ALL THE ABOVE--the 5"x7" map bookplate, the OBSIDIAN AND STARS bookmark, the signed OBSIDIAN AND STARS bookplate, and the OBSIDIAN AND STARS postcard--will be sent to everyone who pre-orders! I can't wait to start sending these gifts around the world!

In addition, all pre-orders will be entered to win one of the following prizes (which are also INTERNATIONAL!):

FIVE FIRST-PLACE PRIZES: Five pre-orders will be chosen at random to receive:

  • Everything in the PRE-ORDER GIFT described above, PLUS

Here is a sampleimage of the OBSIDIAN AND STARS tote bag, handpainted by Becca at PIVOT TOTES! Isn't it gorgeous?

ONE *GRAND PRIZE*: One pre-order chosen at random will receive:

  • Everything in the PRE-ORDER GIFT described above, PLUS
  • An AMERICAN EXPRESS GIFT CARD to use at the bookseller of your choice!

WHAT IS THE VALUE OF THE GIFT CARD??? The answer is... it will depend! The value of the gift card will start at $35.00 USD. *(Edit 6/7/17 --- the value of the card is now up to $50.00 USD! Thanks for all your orders! If more orders come in, it could still go higher!) As pre-orders come in and we reach certain milestones, I will ADD TO THE VALUE OF THE GIFT CARD!!! So encourage other readers to pre-order and watch the value of the gift card rise! It could go up to $40.00, to $45.00... I don't know how high it will go but I'm excited to thank you all for pre-ordering by adding to that $35.00 value!

***Note: The value of the Gift Card that was given away with the IVORY AND BONE Pre-order Giveaway was $60 USD!

To receive your Gift and enter the Giveaway, pre-order OBSIDIAN AND STARS--print or e-book--before June 13, 2017 and submit your valid proof of purchase to (Be sure to include your name and address and block out any confidential information.)




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THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF OBSIDIAN AND STARS!!! I can't wait to start mailing your gifts!